Hi, dear readers. Today we want to post an extra post, in which we are going to share some information about sources where you can dig a bit of interesting information about different historical topics. Pay attention that all blogs are located on different platforms.
The first blog is hosted on Dreamwidth platform, which have simple design, but allows easily to add images and embedded elements. Here is an example of a nice blog that contains a lot of curious information. This blog is written by a friend of our, Alex Morz.
Of course, you know that the most popular blog platform in the Internet is Wordpress. There is also a very good account on Wordpress which we want to recommend. We have already shared with you a wonderful historical resource. It is a blog that posts information about this day in form of timeline every day. Enjoy reading every morning about the crucial moments occurred on the day.
Another blog platform is Weebly, which lets to experiment with design and easily combine a post full of media information. This is a wonderful example of a blog implemented on this platform. The blog explains information about very wide rage of topics: from Islam to Haiti Revolution.